πŸ…Claiming NFT Membership

via Rep3

This short page shows how a waitlist members can claim their badge in five simple steps. The wallet address that is given here must match the one used to apply for the waitlist. Kindly use a desktop browser for optimal experience. Using a hardware wallet? Go to the hardware wallet section below.

Pony Finance uses rep3’s DAO tool to track and disburse badges to contributors and members. Before claiming a badge, contributor’s must sign up on this platform by connecting their MetaMask wallet here. (We are adding support for other wallets soon!)

Step 2 : Add details (optional)

Before opening the dashboard, contributors get an option to attach a name with their contributor profile.

Step 3 : Claim your NFT Membership badge

On opening the Dashboard, the contributor sees all approved badges that are ready to be claimed.

Step 4 : Sign the transaction

On selecting claim badge, the contributor is prompted to sign a transaction that will trigger the badge minting process.

Step 5 : Wait for the badge to get minted

After signing the transaction, it takes roughly five to ten seconds for the badge to get minted on the Polygon Network.

Step 6 : That's it!!! Or share it with your network on Twitter.

Congratulations on receiving your contribution badge! Why not go ahead and share it on Twitter?

Using a Hardware Wallet?

For anyone using a ledger or any external wallet the flow is a bit different. Connect wallet with metamask.

  • Follow Step 1 & 2.

  • Disconnect from all accounts and authenticate again.

  • Follow the same steps from 3 onwards

Last updated